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Click here to see previous events - recordings available for Singing for Health Network members to view

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What's On

Webinars, member networking events, conferences and more

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Upcoming Events

Our events


Our events cover a wide range of Singing for Health topics and activities:


Podcasts - an inspiring window on specific aspects of Singing for Health, aimed at researchers, practitioners, health professionals and the wider public.


Topic webinars - panel discussions on singing and specific health conditions, e.g. singing and dyslexia & dyspraxia, singing, setting up dementia choirs.


Insights webinars - a look inside areas of practice and/or ways to develop your work, e.g. singing in children's hospitals, navigating the NHS.


Research webinars - presentations by researchers on Singing for Health studies, as well as insights into research design and ethics.


ThinkTanks - group discussions around key topics requiring in-depth discussion and action, e.g. singing for immigrants, refugees & asylum seekers, ramping up Social Prescribing.


Training & CPD - offering development opportunities in areas of need.


Conferences - addressing big topics, e.g. Children & Young People's mental health & wellbeing.


And of course we'll be adding more articles and research summaries, and signposting to other Singing for Health opportunites.


Previous Network events
Recordings available for Singing for Health members to view via the Members' Area
Click here to join the Network

July 2024: Vocal Health for people with Chronic Health Conditions and the Ageing Voice  - topic webinar


June 2024: Singing for Carers of those with Health Conditions - topic webinar


February 2024: Singing for Acquired Brain Injury & Neurological Conditions - research webinar


January 2024: The Health Professional's Perspective - insights webinar


September 2023: Social Prescribing for Music Groups - What Next? - webinar with Making Music


September 2023: An Introduction to Social Prescribing for Music Professionals - webinar with ISM Trust


May & June 2023: Singing for Mental Health and Wellbeing - 

Spotlight on Children and Young People - online conference


April 2023: Singing for Health and Navigating the NHS - insights webinar


Spring 2023: Trauma-Informed Singing training


November 2022: Singing and Neurodiversity - topic webinar


October 2022: Running a Dementia-Friendly Singing Group - topic webinar


September 2022: Singing and Lung Health - RCT - research webinar


August 2022: Singing and Older People - a new study from Norway - research webinar


July 2022: Singing in Children's Hospitals - topic webinar


March 2022: Singing for Pain - webinar


February 2022: Singing for Health Research online Conference

Insights And Innovations


January 2022: Singing and Children & Young People's Wellbeing - webinar


December 2021: Singing and Lung Health - webinar


November 2021: Singing and Parkinson’s - webinar


November 2021: Singing for Brain Injury/Stroke - webinar


September 2021: Singing and Mental Health - webinar


July 2021: Singing and Social Prescribing -

special interest group/members’ network session 2


May 2021: Singing and Dementia - webinar


April 2021: Singing and Social Prescribing -

special interest group/members’ network session 1


February 2021: Launch webinar


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