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Singing for Health

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Bradt et al 2016

Vocal Music Therapy for Chronic Pain Management in Inner City African Americans: A Mixed Methods Feasibility Study

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Camlin 2024

What does it mean to sing with the Earth?

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Tanzmeister et al 2022

Singing at 0.1Hz as a Resonance Frequency Intervention to Reduce Cardiovascular Stress Reactivity?

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Grebosz-Haring et al 2022

The Psychological and Biological Impact of “In-Person” vs. “Virtual” Choir Singing in Children and Adolescents: A Pilot Study Before and After the Acute Phase of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Austria

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Musgrave 2022

Music and wellbeing vs. musicians’ wellbeing: examining the paradox of music-making positively impacting wellbeing, but musicians suffering from poor mental health

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Greenberg et al 2021

The Social Neuroscience of Music: Understanding the Social Brain Through Human Song

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Philip et al 2022

An online breathing and wellbeing programme (ENO Breathe) for people with persistent symptoms following COVID-19: a parallel-group, single-blind, randomised controlled trial

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Foulkes 2022

This project set out to explore the potential for delivering an online singing and mindfulness programme for people identifying as living with anxiety and/or depression.

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Thomson et al 2021

The role of cultural, community and natural assets in addressing societal and structural health inequalities in the UK: future research priorities

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Kaasgaard et al 2021

Use of Singing for Lung Health as an alternative training modality within pulmonary rehabilitation for COPD: an RCT

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Pentikainen et al 2021

Beneficial effects of choir singing on cognition and well-being of older adults: Evidence from a cross-sectional study

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Ojay & Ernst 2000

Can singing exercises reduce snoring? A pilot study

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Dingle at el 2020

An Agenda for Best Practice Research on Group Singing, Health, and Well-Being

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Coulton et al 2015

Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of community singing on mental health-related quality of life of older people: randomised controlled trial

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Warran et al 2019

The experience and perceived impact of group singing for men living with cancer: A phenomenological study

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Daffern et al 2021

Singing Together, Yet Apart: The Experience of UK Choir Members and Facilitators During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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Shlaug et al 2010

From singing to speaking: facilitating recovery from nonfluent aphasia

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Han et al 2018

Individual Therapeutic Singing Program for Vocal Quality and Depression in Parkinson’s Disease

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Martinez-Molina et al 2022

Neuroanatomical correlates of speech and singing production in chronic post-stroke aphasia

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Garry & Phelan

An evaluation of training using singing as a tool for community building in changing societies

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Robens et al 2022

Effects of Choir Singing on Mental Health: Results of an Online Cross-sectional Study

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MacIntosh et al 2020

"Trying to Sing through the Tears." Choral Music and Childhood Trauma: Results of a Pilot Study

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Malviya et al 2022

Identifying alternative mental health interventions: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials of chanting and breathwork

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Adery & Park 2022

Examining the potential efficacy of a choral intervention in reducing loneliness for people with Schizophrenia

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Damsgaard & Brinkmann 2022

An exploration of how participants experienced engaging and singing a choir to understand the social and emotional aspects in relation to choir singing and mental health.

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Glew et al 2021

The effects of group singing on the wellbeing and psychosocial outcomes of children and young people: a systematic integrative review

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Philip KEJ, Lewis A, Buttery SC, et al

Physiological demands of singing for lung health compared with treadmill walking

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Campbell et al 2021

Narrative review exploring the extent to which group singing can be seen as improving both physical and psychological health in participants with or without chronic health conditions

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Wan et al 2010

The Therapeutic Effects of Singing in Neurological Disorders

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Victor et al 2016

Music, singing and wellbeing for adults living with dementia: a systematic review

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Batt-Rawden & Stedje 2020

Singing as a health-promoting activity in elderly care: a qualitative, longitudinal study in Norway

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Yan et al 2010

The therapeutic effects of singing in neurological disorders

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Irons et al 2020

Group Singing Has Multiple Benefits in the Context of Chronic Pain: An Exploratory Pilot Study

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Fancourt & Perkins 2018

Effect of singing interventions on symptoms of postnatal depression: three-arm randomised controlled trial

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Daykin et al 2018

What works for wellbeing? A systematic review of wellbeing outcomes for music and singing in adults

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Perkins et al 2018

How group singing facilitates recovery from the symptoms of postnatal depression: a comparative qualitative study

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Moss et al 2022

Together in song: Designing a singing for health group intervention for older people living in the community

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Hendry et al 2022

Singing for Wellbeing: Formulating a Model for Community Group Singing Interventions

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Helitzer et al 2022

Explores the emotional, social, and practical impacts of group singing for women from a regeneration area in Limerick

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Galinha et al 2021

The Role of Social and Physiological Variables on Older Adults’ Cognitive Improvement after a Group Singing Intervention: The Sing4Health Randomized Controlled Trial

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Lee et al 2022

Exploring the ways in which a community-based group singing intervention impacts the wellbeing of people living with dementia (PLWD) and their family carers

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Cahalan et al 2022

SingStrong—A singing and breathing retraining intervention for respiratory and other common symptoms of long COVID: A pilot study

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Welch et al 2019

Evaluating the impact of a school-based singing project, in relation to outcomes for children and teachers involved

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Monroe et al 2020

The effects of choral singing on communication impairments in Acquired Brain Injury (ABI): A systematic review: Effects of choral singing on communication impairments in ABI: A systematic review

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Shakespeare & Whieldon 2017

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the 'Sing Your Heart Out Project', providing Community Singing Workshops for Mental Health Service Users and the General Public

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Gregson et al 2021

Comparing Aerosol Concentrations and Particle Size Distributions Generated by Singing, Speaking and Breathing

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McNaughton et al 2016

Sing Your Lungs Out: a qualitative study of a community singing group for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

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Perkins et al 2020

How Participatory Music Engagement Supports Mental Well-being: A Meta-Ethnography

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Irons et al 2019

A systematic review on the effects of group singing on persistent pain in people with long‐term health conditions

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Camlin et al 2020

Group singing as a resource for the development of a healthy public: a study of adult group singing

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Williams, Dingle & Clift 2018

A systematic review of mental health and wellbeing outcomes of group singing for adults with a mental health condition

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Tamplin et al 2019

ParkinSong: A Controlled Trial of Singing- Based Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease

Anthony Bourdain

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